How to Varify The Validity of the Tapu?
First and for those who don’t know what is TAPU, tapu is simply the Turkish name of a title deed.
The General Directorate of Land Registry and Cadastre (Tapu ve Kadastro Genel Müdürlüğü) received more than 400 million electronic requests for verification of TAPU, during the last year.
Such a large number of requests indicates that people are trying to verify the validity of documents, but at the same time the Registry Chamber is always loaded with transactions.
That’s why we recommend you use the Land Registry and Cadastre Information System (TAKBİS) to avoid such a situation. It officially verifies and updates a title deed which is existing in their computer database.
If TAPU is current and the property is registered in accordance with the law, all the necessary information will be displayed on the screen, to show that you are on the safe side and the property is secured.
But if you don’t find such information, a warning about the absence of identification records number will appear.
You can find out the owner’s name, and check the presence of any encumbrances (mortgage, etc.), as well as check available images of real estate through satellites records.
This service will eliminate your doubts about the authenticity of the document.